
Smart Ways To Keep Your Home Secured



According to reports, more than a third of burglars enter through the front door. If you move into a house where somebody else previously lived, change the door locks. Here are some fast backups that will assist you in securing some main access points.

With a video doorbell, you can increase your security through expert entities such as Smith Thompson San Antonio. Sliding glass doors should be reinforced. Sliding doors are popular with burglars, so make sure yours is safe. You may use a window bar or a dowel on the track to keep the door from being pried open the old-fashioned way.

If you want a cutting-edge approach, add a door sensor or a glass break sensor. They’ll let you know if the glass door has been tampered with, and they’re expected to deter criminals.

Lock the Doors and Windows

Burglars use doors and windows as their key entry points. Worse still, the window latches offered by the manufacturer aren’t always accurate, and they may be flimsy at times.

If you don’t like the look of your window locks, add locks or key-operated levers to improve protection. But you don’t have to stop there. Using the window’s protective film to reinforce the glass. Mount a glass break sensor or a window. Attach your window bars to the mix.

Install Outdoor Lighting And Plant Shrubs

Criminals that don’t like being in the spotlight are kept at bay by planting brittle shrubs under the first-floor windows and lighting up the perimeter of your house. You’ll not only make intruders nervous, but you’ll also will the chance of slipping on the way back up the front stairs.

Make use of the motion-activated lights. Solar-powered lighting will help you save money on electricity. Set your timer for the outdoor lights.

Not To Be Missed Is The Shed

Criminals are increasingly using this entrance to gain access to your house. Even if they can’t get into your home, your garage is likely to be full of valuables. Develop a habit of securing all the garage’s doors, both inside and out. You may want to keep the garage door opener in the house as well. That way, the burglar won’t be able to take it out of the vehicle.

Upgrade your garage door opener to a smart one. To conceal the goods inside, cover the windows. Add extra locks to your garage door to make it more secure. Don’t ever keep the door unlocked again; use your home automation.

Keep The Wireless Network (WiFi) Locked

Your personal information is accessible via your residential wireless network. Home automation, on the other hand, will make your home susceptible to break-ins. Criminals may gain complete access to your home if the Wi-Fi network is linked to your modern operating system or security system, so keep it password-protected.

Hiding Places Must Be Removed

Trees and shrubs can add beauty to your home, but they also provide a hiding place for burglars. Trees and plants near your dwelling which can be used as a criminal haven and should be pruned. Choose smaller flowers and bushes instead. If there are trees outside the windows, either cut them down or add additional protection to the windows.

Invest In Surveillance Cameras

You’ve probably read of burglars messing with surveillance camera video in the news. This is a home protection device that acts as a deterrent as well as a way of seeking justice. You may purchase security cameras as part of a full home security system or purchase stand-alone cameras through professionals like Smith Thompson San Antonio.

It’s suggested that you use a smartphone app surveillance camera regardless of wherever you go so that you can see the video in real-time and save it in case you ever need to go to the police. Keep in mind that outdoor cameras need weatherproof housing.

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